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Monday, May 31, 2010

First step, first lesson


Yesterday was a day for new hope and dreams. I kind of feel like the more I’m reading this 48 Days to the Work You Love book, the more my vision for a future is getting solidified. I mean, I’ve always considered myself a visionary, but this time I kind of feel like Dan Miller is ushering me down the aisle to meet my dreams again. Yesterday, I actually signed the contract, committing myself to a 48 day challenge of discovery through this book.

Shortly after reading yesterday’s section, my brain started working and storming on what the first opportunity could be. Feeling ambitious, I began scouring craigs list and ebay to find good deals that could be marked up and sold again. I searched for garage sales in my home town, and stumbled into one in a very prestigious neighborhood! “Jackpot” I thought to myself. Better yet, the garage sale was to have started at 5PM yesterday, right when I get off of work!

I jumped into my car at 3:30, to ensure I’d be home in time to be first up at the sale open. Lo and behold, I show up and dozens of cars were already parked, lining the neighborhood streets. One house (of two that were open) had a line of patrons 10 people long already at the cashier!

Day late? Dollar short? I didn’t find a thing that I felt was re-marketable. However… I will NOT allow this to shake me. I’ll admit, I felt a little discouraged. I mean, I showed up expecting to find a negotiable deal that would easily double my first $50, but alas… nothing.

The Dan Miller podcasts have been encouraging to me also. I think it is critical for me to continue surrounding myself with inspiration and hope. Even if it is intentionally forcing myself to read or listen, I need to counterbalance the negative self talk that can creep in without even realizing it.

So, here I be. Same financial position as yesterday, however I walked away with a first “skin toughening” experience. Let’s look at the bright side of this experience:
• I didn’t impulse buy something, just to buy it
• I now know that Garage sales open BEFORE their posted times
• I got a good reality check, and hopefully reduced my naivety without compromising vision.
• Fun story to tell. ☺

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