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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How to Delegate, EFFECTIVELY!


How to Delegate, EFFECTIVELY!

Delegation is one of those areas in leadership that is essential... especially if a leader has interest in leveraging their efforts with a team.  (and why else would you lead if you didn't expect to empower others along your journey, anyway?!)

Little do most leaders realize, the words they use have such powerful weight when it comes to the topic of delegation and empowerment.  Using the wrong words can destroy the foundation of empowerment you are looking to build!

Here are a few common phrases leaders should be aware of (and careful to not misuse) in order to develop a culture of empowerment and optimize the effectiveness of delegation through teams:


With phrasing like this, the delegation is negated.  
The assignment remains with YOU.  
There is no progress until YOU do something...

"Let ME think about it..."
"I'LL let you know..."
"Leave it here, I'LL..."
"I'LL check with..."
"I'LL draft up..."


With phrasing like this, progress is slowed down significantly.  
Decisions are delayed, people are confused, and ownership is eroded.  
The delegation is only partially completed...

"Send me a memo..."
"Why don't you check with..."
"Draft up a proposal..."
"See me later about..."
"Let em know if I can help..."
"We'll have to do something..."


With phrasing like this, it's clear that the accountability has been shifted to the team member.  
The delegation is complete, clear, and understood.  Progress is MUCH more likely to happen...

"I know YOU can do it..."
"I'm counting on YOU..."
"That's why I gave it to YOU..."
"What are YOU going to do now?"
"What's YOUR new plan of action?"
"YOU will get it done..."

Certainly, teamwork and partnership is essential in corporate advancement, but take permission to delegate project tasks to the skill sets (people) God has placed on your team!

One final note:  if you a self proclaimed (or perhaps self-deceived) MICRO-MANAGER... read this post again!

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