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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Living a constant vacation


-Living a constant vacation-

I love taking vacations. More than just taking time away from work, vacations represent a short season of “no real responsibility.” If done right, they provide greater levels of freedom, and thus exhilaration for my personality style.

The vacation “zygote” is conceived, usually, when we start discussing how bogged down we’ve been, and how bad we want a vacation. As the “reasoning cells” begin to split, and multiply, the conversation quickly grows to a burning need, with adequate justification. Sometimes, this process could take weeks. Sometimes, this process could take only a few moments… but the important thing is that after adequate incubation time, we give birth to fully developed reason WHY.

Once a solid reason WHY we want a vacation is agreed upon, the next thing we debate on is WHERE we should go? Warm and tropical? Mountainous and arid?

WHO will join us? Couples vacation? Family vacation? Just the two of us? Does the boy come too? (if not, we certainly enlist a grandparent or two to baby-sit)

WHAT do we need to do to ensure we’ve got all the necessary resources in place? Money? Time off? Book babysitter?

HOW can we afford this? Do we need to set aside some cash? What does the budget have left in it? (we pre-plan for our vacations, annually) Will we use frequent flyer points for airfare?

I/we probably spend more time thinking about the vacation on the front end than when we are actually on the vacation. I truly believe this is because the WHY is so connected to us. We have taken the time to fully develop a clear cut vision for WHY this vacation is necessary, and allowed that WHY to usher us through the laborious process of WHERE, WHO, WHAT, and HOW.

We have purpose. With a purpose that is well developed and connected to our spirit, we will find a way to accomplish this.

~~~~ QUESTION ~~~~

What if we approached all areas of our life with this same process?

Do you believe God placed you on this planet for a reason? For purpose?

How has God wired you?

This fruitful journey of discovery for me has revealed God’s purpose for my life (through the best of my knowledge and comprehension) to be this:

To bring Glory to His throne through innovating and giving start-up/thrust energy.

This statement/purpose/calling stirs up something special within me. I am fired up to chase this calling. When I engage in activities that utilize this calling, time simply flies by, and I leave with MORE energy than when I started.

This is what I was made to do.

What if God revealed His WHY is all areas of my life? What would I do with it? Would I engage in planning the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW questions?

Recent areas that I’ve scoured the scriptures for, in planning my life wheel out:

1. God
2. Marriage
3. Parent
4. Financial
5. Physical
6. Mental
7. Vocation/work
8. Social

With a strong enough purpose (WHY), what fruit would be born from your “life tree” if we were to approach it with the same fervency as planning a vacation?

Could this be the “full life” Jesus refers to in John 10:10?

Perhaps aligning our lives to our calling would make life seem like a constant vacation? ☺

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