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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Seasons of Discontent


Seasons of Discontent

Have you been asked the question, "how are you doing?"

Wow.  It seems like the "auto-response" to a question like this is instant. "Fine" or "Great." or "Pretty Good."

But is that REALLY the truth? 

I was asked this question last night.  Fortunately, I was asked by a brother in Christ behind closed doors where the distraction of the "hustle bustle" couldn't be my scapegoat.  He asked, and I felt the Holy Spirit prod me to "go there."  

So I did.

I told him how discontent I've been recently... In my efforts at work, in my efforts in marriage, in my personal growth.  I had reasons for all, but they were only excuses.  

The fact of the matter is that I have been conflicted with feelings of hope AND frustration over many areas of my life recently.  This has caused me to seek God's will for my life in the NOW.  

The game plan I thought existed years ago has changed.  The vision remains the same, but the strategy changes.  I guess this is normal.

My brother in Christ became the face of the Holy Spirit last night, as he listened attentively.  He asked meaningful questions that helped me process my agitation.  He reflected back statements that I had spoke previously (from today's talk and many prior).  I truly felt him connect at a heart level of what "I'm going through." 

And then a precious gem fell from his words...

"Rob, I think God uses seasons of discontent in our lives to inspire us to grow."

Like a tri-lingual translator on Red Bull, I felt the Holy Spirit connect my brothers words to multiple situations in my life today.

... this is why I've stirred your heart up at the work place, Rob!
... this is why I've given you a spirit of faith, and a risk tolerance.  
... this is why I've given you and your wife a small group of couples to speak truth into your life!
... this is why I've placed you in totally "other" worship environments, to grow and stretch your perspective of Me. 
... this is why I've revealed a calling, a vision, and a purpose to you... TODAY
... this is why I've given you a mentor, Rob. Someone who has been through this before.

... this is why I've given you community.  So when you fall, you won't be left alone to pick yourself up.

It makes sense now!  God cares about the condition of my heart more than the condition of my circumstances! 

In fact, it is not beyond Him to use my circumstances (even if means changing them in a self-perceived negative way) in order TO condition my heart!


Philippians 4:11-12 (New Living Translation)

11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.

How else could I learn how to handle frustration? fear? anger? bitterness? lack? want? need? hunger? 

God is bringing me through this season to teach me spiritual survival skills that I will need in the future. 

He's preparing an awesome and holy future for me... just may not be "happy" all the time.

God is using this season of discontent in my life, to catalyze change, surrender, and prayer that would not have happened otherwise...

...your situation is no different.

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