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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hear the Call...


Hear the Call...

I've been vacillating recently back and forth, in my mind, trying to determine the call on my life from God.  I can't even begin to describe the emotional gamut I've experienced, even over the last 24 hours, trying to seek His will for my life.  Fear.  Frustration.  Encouragement.  Joy.  Negativity.  Positivity.


But then it hit me.  I'm doing it all wrong.... because I'M TRYING TO DO IT.

I cannot determine God's will.  He doesn't ask me to, need me to, or really even want me to.  

He simply wants me to surrender.  In the moment.  In every circumstance.  

Oh how difficult this is for a high driven "D" personality style.  I want a plan. I want action.  I want traction.  

I cannot DO anything to catalyze the will of God.  And neither can you.

Philippians 2:16 says...
"Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not runt he race in vain and that my work was not useless."

This word of God is so encouraging for me today. 

I need to hold firmly to His WORD that brings life.  That's all.  Be surrendered and open to His prompting and calling... then follow through in that moment.  

Strategic plans cannot satisfy this commandment.  

Activity cannot substitute.

Traction and accountability cannot surpass His Will.

Are you caught between two sides of a tough decision?  Join me in utilizing this time by worshiping through surrenderance. Submit your strategy to God's divine will and plan and TIMING.  

In the waiting, let's dive into the WORD for encouragement.  



  1. I just wanted to say thank you for the DM in Twitter for the follow. I want to reflect on this post by saying that we go through life looking for our purpose by asking ourselves "What is His purpose for me?" You the link in your profile brought me here and I read your first post and it was EXACTLY what I needed. I too have been running in circles in my life, carrier and family. But your thoughts here in the vast space of the internet has helped me regain direction. Its nice knowing that there are others like me having difficulty with our direction in life. It is only when we submit ourselves to Him that we gain control and direction in our life.

    Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

    God Bless

  2. Jason,

    Thank you for your message. I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am to read this!

    It always amazes me how God works through our circumstances to minister to others.

    I am so not ready to be "in the drivers seat" of my life, yet struggle to surrender it, daily. Good thing for grace, heh?

    Stay in touch!

    Serving Him,


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