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Monday, July 12, 2010

As the drum beats louder


-Drummer beat is getting louder, and I march on-

Okay, so here I sit. Ready. My prayers have been filled with statements like “Lord, close the doors you do not want me to walk through, and open the ones you do want me to.” Yikes. Scary when you think about it!

So I have a few ideas. One idea that I feel is REALLY solid. It hits the overlap/zone that I feel God asking me to pursue. Most importantly, God will naturally be Glorified each step of the way.

This idea allows me to tap into my spiritual gifts of Wisdom, Leadership, Discernment, and Evangelism (in that order as of July 1st, 2010).

This idea allows me to utilize my unique abilities: to create innovative ideas, relate with people, help others find meaning and purpose in their lives, and lead others to their God given potential, strategic planning, communicating, networking & relationships, innovation and creativity, emotional intelligence, public speaking and presentations, goal setting, selling, prospecting, coaching & mentoring, startup ideas, GIVE THRUST ENERGY.

This idea allows me to flow with my natural personality style: take charge of group effort, think strategically, laugh and have a good time, creatively solve problems, be the “conductor” as God has wired me to be. Most importantly, this idea would invite NEW and EXCITING ventures, regularly.

This idea ties both my wife and my life experiences in very well. I know what you are thinking: Rob, you can’t work with your wife!!! You’ll go nuts! True. ☺ But at least we’ll both be nuts! ☺ My life experiences of motivating large groups, speaking in front of classroom sized audiences, reinventing the “common” into “extra-ordinary,” managing company finances, networking, and leading a team will overlap nicely in this.
My wife’s experiences of coordinating, scheduling, planning, and event management will overlap well in this… should she decide to join the effort? (By the way, that may NOT mean she works for me… but rather helps me identify the qualities I’ll need in a hired staff member/contractor… have to think OUTSIDE THE BOX, MAN!)

This idea hits my “passion button” in many ways, also. Specifically, this idea will regularly touch my passion areas of: leaving people better than when I found them, listening to/giving motivational talks, learning new things, connecting people with other people, and serving the King of Kings!

This idea is a solid overlap of all major aspects that God has wired me for. In theory I’m ready. I’m ready to take the plunge and start it.

But I’m scared.

I’m scared because I have a family to care for. To provide for. I have a son, he’s 4 months old. I have a wife who just gave her job up to be a “stay at home mom.” I have a house to pay for. I haven’t ever done something like this idea before. I don’t even personally know of anyone who has done anything, even remotely close to this idea before. This idea is so “other.”

Could this be what Ray Crock thought about when he first ventured into selling franchises of McDonald’s? Or other modern day innovators?

God gave me prophesy a month ago, as he knew I’d be conflicted:

“Cling to the call I’ve placed on your heart. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Peace transcends understanding, as no logic can guide me at this point.

~Diligence, faithfulness, surrender.~ 
This must be my motto.

My creed.


For now… I march on…

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